Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wedding Stuff & Our Poor Enzo

The Save the Date cards are out! Woo hoo! We can cross another thing off the list. Other things that can be crossed off our recent To-Do List include:
  • setting up a florist (thanks to a tip we got from a friend whose wedding is in October, we found a great, reasonably-priced, florist from Glendale)
  • Putting furniture and hanging curtains in the back room of Andrew's house. We can now watch TV in there, have a place to sit, and see the picture without annoying glare from the windows.
  • Making appointments with our caterer and cake people to do tastings (yum! we can't wait for this part)
  • Taking Enzo to the vet to get his doggie shots. This actually turned out to be a pretty entertaining visit. Andrew never had the heart to have Enzo "fixed", but we're considering having it done now. So, long story short, the vet thought she found his testicles, but they turned out to be his lymphnodes. It took them close to an hour, doing different things to try to figure out if he even has any, only to come up without an answer. They think they're very tiny and need to do surgery to find and remove them. Sucky huh? Guess Enzo's not as masculine as we thought.

Stay tuned for more!


  1. Poor Enzo or should we call him Enzina?

  2. I prefer Enzolina Jolie, but Andrew won't let me call him that :(

  3. We got your save the date! So exciting! Welcome to the blogging community...

  4. Thanks! I'm due January 12th, at least that's the projected due date. We will have a better idea when we have an ultrasound (Aug. 10th).
